6 years strong

This year we celebrate Quince’s 6th birthday. This year’s theme is whales. 

Every six months I note and publish a list of favorites. Here is the age 6 list. This has been a snapshot I look forward to creating. When I started I had no idea what to do with the information or how I could ever use it. These days, I simply enjoy it.

Music: Pentatonix(Esp likes Starships and Sing), Making up his own songs, Shenandoah from the Family Car Songbook copyright 1983

Food: Beans and cheese, chocolate, Caesar salad, tacos

Toys: 2 way radios, Lego. At school enjoys playing ship, swinging, soccer

Things to watch: Square One, Reading Rainbow app

Movie: Ghostbusters(1984),

Other: Enjoys helping daddy in the yard and fixing items around the house, playing construction outside with the tools and dump truck, playing the concert bells while singing with music

Friends: Miles, daddy, mama and baby, Harper and Diego

Quince continues to grow, mentally and physically. He enjoys logic puzzles both within games and ones that occur naturally.  A special weekend treat is to do a challenge on one of the Lego video games with Richard. Often these involve the two of them having to work together to solve a puzzle or achieve a goal. At first, Quince needed a lot of help with them and would often ask you to take the controller and do it. Today, he works again and again to get it with little coaching from us.

Here are prices of some basic items.

  • Gas per gallon: 3.069
  • Boring white bread: 1.472*
  • Pound of Ground Beef: 3.27*
  • Price per pound for a Whole Chicken: 1.302*
  • Large white Eggs: 1.692*
  • Farm fresh, mixed color Eggs: 5.00
  • Gallon of whole milk: 3.653
  • Bananas per pound: 0.69

*Indicates data curtesy of United States Dept of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics — All other are prices local to our city in Washington state.

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