Musical home is never dull

When Quince was born one of the gifts we received, I highly recommend to everyone. One reason is for the musical aspect.  

This book, The Musical Life of Gustav Mole by Kathryn Meyrick, is wonderful. The story is sweet, the music is good(if you have the cd) and a host of other things such as counting, colors and shapes are all included for learning enjoyment. You can find Gustav Mole at, Barnes & Noble and hopefully your locally owned bookstores as well.

I’ve rambled on about this book because it’s an important part of our lives. Quince enjoys all parts involved, both on their own and together. For us, the title statement is true. We always have music of some sort. When we learned we were pregnant I started attending the Sequim City Band‘s concerts. Richard had been involved with this for about 3 years and I had never once gone to a concert. Both Richard and I went through the band program at our high school and feel strongly about music in our lives. I often sing to Quince, while Richard silently teaches him beats and how to correctly produce sound on brass instruments. We both thought he should have a set of concert bells for fun. (Thanks shop goodwill’s online auction site)

So it was no surprise to me to hear during marimba lessons at school, he’s one of the best at playing the rest and keeping tempo. While he does do share of not paying attention, overall, it’s pretty good.

Here’s a photo look at our musical history this far. I’m sure I missed some photos and sorry for the poor quality of others.


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