Trying New Things

If you know Quince, then you know he loves to pretend he’s in a show. But take note of the key phrase of “if you know”. He’s not so into these displays if he doesn’t know the people/group.

A couple weeks ago Dry Creek hosted a pair from the Missoula Children’s Theatre. If you don’t know about this company, and have children in elementary school I highly encourage you to look them up and push your school bring them in. A coaching pair will come for a week. In that time frame they will hold auditions, teach and rehearse a full play.

The play our school did is The Snow Queen. Kind of fitting since it tried to snow that morning. This is a version of the original tale, with Greta searching for her lost friend Kay.

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It was amazing to watch the kids transform over the course of the week. They did a fantastic job on their performance.

One of the other parents posted a video of their performance on YouTube. If you have an hour, I suggest checking it out. These kids worked hard and the result is a lot of fun to watch. Grab yourself some popcorn and enjoy!

(Video by parent N. Shields)

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