For our school district, June 20th marks the final day of classes. Quince is no longer a kindergartener.

This year has been filled with so many new experiences and learning how to handle school, work, activities, along with anything else that may pop up in between. When we started the school year, Quince only knew two or three other kids at Dry Creek. One in the same grade but a different classroom, while the other two were not only in different classroom from each other but also in First grade. Unfortunately, Quince only saw them before or after school as they had different recess.
In terms of making friends in this class, that took a lot longer. Although in keeping with his personality he did well playing with just about everyone in his class. It rotated through the year who he was playing with the most. He did make a friend outside of his class, they would often play together at recess. I first heard of him this spring.
Hands down, swinging on the swings or playing ship was probably what he talked about the most. When he loved one of the songs in music class, he would sing it all the time. New stuff that he enjoys to do this year is drawing, writing and reading. We really enjoying hearing about his day as he tells it, or on some occasion as he draws it.
From how other staff and teachers react with him, I’m guessing he is pretty well liked by everyone. Our sweet Quince.
Other things we learned this year is how Quince can suffer some fairly bad allergies depending on the season. Sorry buddy.
We did another chalk board photo in honor of his last day of Kindergarten. He has mastered all of his required sight words, plus additional ones. He can count over 100.
“I know bad words but I don’t say them”

Here are some photos from throughout the school year!