About a month ago we attended Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle. While I had tickets for 3 days, Quince and Richard joined for only Saturday. It’s a day he still talks about excitedly.
To get him into the idea of dressing up we started talking about it early. Unlike last year when he said he wanted to dress up then didn’t, this year he was on it. He wanted to wear his Ghostbusters costume and the pack.
Before coming over, him and Richard did a couple minor repairs on the pack. Mostly to the lights. They drove over to meet us Saturday morning.
He arrived ready to go, but a little intimidated by the number of people. It just so happens that we saw another Ghostbuster right away. She was dressed with the new female styled outfit and was also carrying a homemade pack. He stared her down the entire time we and them ate lunch. Luckily we all finished about the same time, so I ran over to them, explained who I was and that my son wanted to see her. She was thrilled to meet him. While we were chatting, she said there was going to be a Ghostbusters meet up in about an hour, and he should come.
Richard and Quince did that while we got a photo with Gates McFadden. Clearly, the more awesome thing for him to do as he had a blast. As you can see by the photo, he was the youngest person. This group of people has inspired him to create more props from the movie and make them as accurate as possible.