We’ve been home for about 20 days now. The same length of time our trip was for. The battle against time to readjust hasn’t been an easy one. In some aspects we are still fighting it.
For one thing, Quince misses Auntie Liz and Uncle Chris a lot. He loved every minute he got to spend with them in Hong Kong. He also misses the Star Ferry, trams and metro trains. Our first week home was rough. Our flight arrived about 6:45 pm local time, it was early however after moving through immigration and customs slowly we got out not long after 9 pm. At this point it’s about lunch time in Hong Kong, we are all getting hungry-angry. We found a place that is open, ate dinner then drove home. We arrived home about 1:30 am. Quince fell asleep in the car but was wide awake when we pulled into the garage. Once getting into the house we easily got his pajamas on but then he wanted to play Lego.
I’m pleased to say now he is back to normal, mostly. Here he is at pre-school, singing at circle time and at an art table during free play. He often choses to sit in that same spot on the large rug in the morning.

We started back up with swimming lessons on the 3rd of Nov. That day went a little rough. However yesterday’s lesson went wonderfully. While practicing some things, he asked me to take some photos and send them to Richard.