Our first day with Uncle Chris and Auntie Liz we started with breakfast with Liz. Although we were too late for the breakfast menu so it turned out to be very early lunch. Chris wasn’t feeling well and stayed at the apartment getting extra rest. A wise choice in my opinion because once Quince was with him there wasn’t much rest time to be had.
One of Quince’s favorites was the Starbucks on the ground floor of our hotel. He requested a hot chocolate nearly every morning. Here he is checking his email while waiting for his drink to cool down enough. This particular photo was taken while waiting for Liz the first morning they were in town. But it had become an established event by this day. Sometimes we walked to breakfast while drinking too.
We took the tram to central and they wanted to go check out the Hong Kong trade show. Quince and I got lost nearby when I tried to take us shopping. Instead I got quite turned around, ended up going the wrong direction but didn’t notice for a bit. Generally getting lost wasn’t an issue until we needed a bathroom. In our travels we did get the chance to see a fire truck refilling their truck tank from a hydrant. I’m sure that made the afternoon for Quince. He had been feeling pretty disappointed that he couldn’t go into the show with Chris and Liz and see daddy.
After we met back up with them we went for a late lunch. We found this great wonton place near the Southern Playground. Here’s Quince adding some crackers to his bowl of broth. He said it tasted better that way. After we ate we went over to the playground and watched some of the soccer match.

The next day we took the trams again, this time heading towards the Victoria Peak tram. As cable funicular, it offers a unique trip back in time. Since it appears as a train, it was a fast favorite of Quince’s. Our trip to the top with Chris and Liz was our 2nd time riding the peak tram. While up at the time we decided to take the Peak Circle Walk. It’s about an hour and a half to two hour walk on an old road. We started on Lugard Road side. Quince enjoyed racing and examining insects along the way. He also enjoyed the shade offered by the trees and light breeze.